Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Front Supports Assistants

The very generous people at The Front have not only come on board as Sponsors for the Projections Competition/event happening in May but have also offered assistants free equipment rental if you refer a photographer you are working with to the front and they rent gear from the front.

This is the email Tim sent me
"The Front would like to offer assistants something new in terms of a positive approach to equipment rentals.

Where we can we like to help out assistants with tests and now we have come up with a plan to really emphasise the importance of testing for new talent in photography.

The Front will grant assistants free use of gear for tests in return for referral of equipment rental jobs. So, essentially this means that any equipment rentals that are put through The Front by assistants entitle them to completely free test gear. Simple as that really: get your photographer to rent from The Front and we will duly pay you back with a negotiable quantity of gear. Choose from The Front’s meticulously kept camera, lighting, and grip equipment, then get out there and shoot!

Assistants can now achieve those tests that were once over the horizon financially and hopefully expand those important future-working relationships.

The Front aims to encourage assistants to get behind the lens.
Just call in to the gear room at 966 Elizabeth St. Zetland or give the guys a buzz on 8399 0027 to further discuss the offer."

I know how hard it can be sometimes to organise equipment and studio space to continue learning and build your book by doing test shoots. Big thanks to the guys at the front for offering all sydney assistants this opportunity.

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